Learning Centre Program
As a Learning Centre, Beafield Education Centre (BEC) is purpose-designed in its staffing, programs and facilities to support the re-engagement of students excluded by their enrolling schools for highly challenging behaviour and complexity. BEC provides personalised, intensive academic and behaviour programs within small group learning contexts (10 students), resourced with 2 full-time teachers and for all intent and purpose performs the function of a Tier 2 level of intervention. This intervention supports students for up to 10 weeks, the maximum length of a school exclusion (unless an extension is sought) consistent with the Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion (SEE) Guidelines within the DfE Behaviour Support Policy.
Excluded students may be allocated to a Junior (reception- year 1 ), Primary (year levels 2- 4), Middle School (year levels 5 - 6) or Secondary program, (year levels 7 - 10). Students participate in various learning programs focusing on the key areas of Literacy, Numeracy and Personal and Social Capabilities, aligned to the Australian Curriculum.
Beafield Education Centre provides students, their families, school, service and other agency personnel with daily feedback via student diaries, emails and telephone, and documented mid-placement review and transition reports. The reports refer to the student’s placement goals that have been translated into SMARTAR goals and identify specific strategies that best support the student's behavioural and learning profile, supporting their re-engagement and success back in their mainstream school. The reports also include detailed information on student progress in literacy, numeracy, social skills and other curricula.
Students eligible for taxi transport must be between 6 -12 years of age and live more than 5 km from the Learning Centre Program. Taxi exemption may be sought at entry meeting in collaboration with BEC Case Worker but is not guaranteed.
accept Program
Aligning Curriculum for Competency in Education and Purposeful Transition (ACCEPT) aims to offer: An Inclusive and restorative educational program, assisting those students on the autism spectrum to re-engage in educational settings through a highly structured, flexible accessible and personalised learning program, encompassing evidence-based approaches.
A continuum of teaching approaches will underpin the ACCEPT program that builds student capacity and confidence in the key areas of Literacy and Numeracy and Personal and Social Capabilities enabling participation in learning contexts. Pre- and post-assessments and the development of SMARTAR goals will guide individual student curricula, monitor student achievement and ascertain learning outcomes. Evidence obtained through this data collection, via Goal Attainment Scales (GAS), will inform teaching practice for adaption in mainstream contexts, supporting the re-inclusion of students.
The cost of a student placed in ACCEPT program includes the additional resourcing already attached to student such as IESP or challenging behaviour funds etc. Costs per student attending the ACCEPT program is calculated on 1:7 teacher ratio with SSO support. For one student attending the ACCEPT program full time, one seventh of those costs will be charged. The cost for one student per term, attending in ACCEPT is $8300 and may increase to keep pace with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) . Costs of students attending ACCEPT part time will not be calculated on a pro rata basis. A letter to the Principal will precede any invoicing and will summarise the costs. Should program needs change affecting the ACCEPT cost structure, all participating schools will be notified directly by leadership and information will be made available on the Beafield Education Centre website.
Integrate is an early intervention strategy for students in years 7-9 who are disengaged, or at serious risk of disengaging from education. It is an annex of Bowden Brompton Community School (BBCS). It is a program for a small group (maximum of 10), that caters to students who may have personal, social and/or emotional barriers that have made mainstream schooling unsuccessful.
The key focuses of the Integrate program are:
Literacy and Numeracy development
Personal and social skill building through a Positive Behaviour for Learning model
Physical and emotional wellbeing
Personal and educational resilience, and
Career awareness/vocational and employment exposure.
Students participate in lessons with a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy, as well as Health, Workplace Practices and other areas guided by student interest. Each afternoon students participate in choice subjects aimed at increasing engagement and wellbeing, and providing them with an opportunity to practice personal and social skills in the community. These include Bike Program, Outdoor Education, Art, Music and Animal Care.
Integrate aims to increase student engagement and ownership of their learning. Student voice is promoted in the timetable, curriculum and learning goals. Each student works towards a set of agreed learning and personal goals, while staff support students to achieve these through personalised learning and development plans.
A detailed explanation of selection processes, the 'Potential Student Application' form and the Integrate brochure can be found below.
Students looking to participate in Integrate will be required to:
Meet the student selection criteria
Speak with their current school about a potential enrolment at BBCS
Have their school complete a Potential Student Application Form
Be approved by the Selection Panel
Participate in a potential student interview
Successfully complete a 4 week trial
Enrol at BBCS as an ongoing placement
Inclusion Criteria
Students eligible and prioritised for enrolment in Integrate are:
Aged 12-15 years or will be in year 7, 8 or 9 of school for their enrolment
A resident of the Northern or North-Eastern suburbs
Disengaged or at serious risk of disengaging from education
Students in care
Involved with Dept. of Child Protection
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Averaging minimum of 70% attendance over the past 12 months
Not currently under exclusion.​​