learning centre placement PROCESS
Learning Centres collaborate with Department for Education schools and services to provide targeted short-term, restorative educational programs for students who require intervention aligned to a mainstream context. Below is the Learning Centre Placement process that clearly defines this process and the roles and responsibilities associated with the placement of students.
The placement of a student in the learning centre is a collaborative one made with the Learning Centre Manager and school delegate and is based on the following eligibility criteria
• student is enrolled at a department school in a mainstream setting
• student is excluded
• student is under the age of compulsion
• student has an active referral to Student Support Services
• referral to Student Support Services is initiated before the Directions Conference Getting support from Student Support Services
The following students are not eligible for a learning centre referral
• students recommended for or currently placed in Special Options, including Special Class, Special School / Unit placements.
• students with no active referral to Student Support Services
• students above the age of compulsion
• students who are not currently excluded.
LC Manager makes the final decision regarding placement of students in LC programs to ensure optimal student outcomes are achieved. Learning Centre referrals can only be made to one centre per student – referrals should be made to the centre closest to your school unless otherwise negotiated with Manager of Learning and Behaviour.
In exceptional circumstances, an exemption for taxi transport may be sourced for students who fall outside of the taxi transport criteria. In such cases, an exemption may be sought. An application for exemption can be obtained by ringing BEC administration on 8281 8277. In some cases, the Learning Centre Manager may undertake a risk assessment before confirming placement. Learning Centre referrals can only be made to one centre per student – referrals should be made to the centre closest to your school unless otherwise negotiated with the Manager Learning and Behaviour
The referral process is outlined below
Download Learning Centre Referral Form below and complete details
Send the completed referral form with the 'Notice of Exclusion' and any other supporting information e.g. One Plan, EDSAS Behaviour Management List with comments etc before 9 am Wednesday to the following address:
Within 24hrs of Allocation, referrers will be notified of allocation outcome. If the student has been allocated to a Learning Centre Program, the Beafield Education Centre Transition Co-ordinator will contact school delegate and negotiate an entry meeting time.
Beafield Education Centre runs one allocation process per week. This allocation is held on a Wednesday with a referral update being sent by 5pm on day of allocation. Any referral documentation recieved later than 9am on the day of allocation will be considered at the following weeks allocation.
Taxi transport
Taxi transport is provided for students who are 6 -12 years of age. Taxi transport will only be considered if a student lives greater than 5 kilometres from the Learning Centre that the student will attend. Learning and Behaviour Unit Manager, must approve exemptions.